莱斯特华人网 | LeicesterBBS



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计算机专业书 wangyaoyupds 2012-10-2 12513 wangyaoyupds 2012-10-24 21:54
2011年1月份要去读ACS的master sunshine 2010-12-4 42503 lemonbunny 2011-2-3 04:02
出售计算机专业资料 duckgx 2013-8-3 02474 duckgx 2013-8-3 12:03
MR.COOL 2008-11-7 02443 MR.COOL 2008-11-7 21:58
。。。 christopher 2010-8-7 02442 christopher 2010-8-7 10:17
有偿帮忙做系统~~~~· 林夕19891 2011-9-24 32416 yericl 2011-10-8 23:32
Math department大一新生必备用书 attach_img 纪宝贝 2012-10-27 12409 纪宝贝 2012-10-27 20:30
anyone study operational research? qqzzcc 2012-8-17 12388 ironman 2012-8-20 16:48
有没有学过group and symmetry的? qqzzcc 2013-2-3 02375 qqzzcc 2013-2-3 00:08
出售三本大三数学的书,Financial calculus和General Linear Mode,clculu leicester006 2011-10-18 02369 leicester006 2011-10-18 15:21
请教有没有Advanced Computer Science的Booklist? mixim 2010-4-26 12355 lemonbunny 2010-4-27 07:59
莱大与江西师大合作硕士项目 huqimin 2013-1-11 02338 huqimin 2013-1-11 07:56
出售大三数学金融的三本书 attach_img leicester006 2011-10-29 02338 leicester006 2011-10-29 21:38
出售MATLAB书与MATH答案 bwsniu 2011-10-16 22298 bwsniu 2011-10-24 14:29
打印机与电脑连接出问题 VAMPIREIRIS 2009-11-11 12275 qianqian 2009-11-11 15:29
谁知道放假的具体日期??? mephistopheal 2008-11-25 02274 mephistopheal 2008-11-25 09:09
出售齐全金融数学资料中英文【已卖出】 yustellia 2012-8-30 02229 yustellia 2012-8-30 16:36
急找大三学金融数学的学长学姐啊!!! yujiang 2013-5-11 02224 yujiang 2013-5-11 19:07
金融数学 gallon2123 2012-7-28 12177 gallon2123 2012-7-28 13:49
莱大computer science mm987 2010-7-20 02149 mm987 2010-7-20 19:52
修理相机 Jessy918 2010-9-17 02114 Jessy918 2010-9-17 13:43
打印机与电脑连接出问题 VAMPIREIRIS 2009-11-11 12093 152375 2009-11-11 16:20
Computing with management 教材 huarongse 2009-9-17 02071 huarongse 2009-9-17 10:28
有没有数学系本科的同学啊? jensen110 2011-10-2 02062 jensen110 2011-10-2 09:14
我要买GLM 的笔记 qqzzcc 2012-10-4 02043 qqzzcc 2012-10-4 13:33
mathematical finance and computation 这专业怎么样 sosoboy 2009-7-20 01971 sosoboy 2009-7-20 17:16
求高数书 Angela.lee113 2011-10-11 01952 Angela.lee113 2011-10-11 12:33
谁学过 Equations of Mathematical Physics? qqzzcc 2012-9-27 01931 qqzzcc 2012-9-27 00:00
求Bsc Maths with ecnomics的相关书籍,教材,笔记! lasthappyboy 2009-10-5 01911 lasthappyboy 2009-10-5 20:23
帮忙做系统~~~~~~~~ 林夕19891 2011-9-23 11724 林夕19891 2011-9-24 07:05


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