金钱- 61522
魅力- 10
威望- 6154
- 积分
- 6178
- 精华
- 7
- 帖子
- 1505
How to use the new orange bag service
1 Rinse - please make sure all items which have contained food or drink are clean.
2 Fill up your bags - you may use as many orange bags as you need for your recycling.
3 Tie your bags - securely tie the top of the bags, this helps to reduce litter.
4 Collection - place your bags out on your normal collection day
下列东西可以回收在orange bag中:
- Plastic bottles
- All plastic food containers e.g margarinetubs, ready meal trays and yogurt pots
- Plastic film
- Carrier bags
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Paper
- Catalogues
- Junk mail
- Envelopes
- Wrapping paper
- Greeting cards
- Telephone directories e.g Yellow Pages
- Cereal boxes
- Cardboard packaging
- Food tins
- Drink cans
- Foil trays
- Empty aerosols
- Drink/food cartons e.g Tetra Pak
- Glass bottles/jars.
Please make sure all items are clean.
- food waste
- nappies
- broken glass
- polystyrene
- other general waste
请把这些东西放到你的wheelie bin中,而不要放在orange bag中。
About five bags from the end of the roll you will find a yellow sticker.Please write your house number on it and place it on one of your full recyclingbags and put it out for collection. Please make sure it is clearly visible, sothe recycling crew can leave you a new roll.
Remember – bins and bags need to be out for collection by 7.00am. We recommend you put them out the morning of your collection to help keepyour street tidy.
附件: 你需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有帐号?註 冊