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[Leicester Mercury 英文报道 2月7日]
这个人真倒霉,在 East Midland机场无心开玩笑说她的包里有个炸弹,完全就是随便说说的,结果被空姐听到,报告机长,结果下飞机被捕,在Leicester Crown Court被判刑一年..
http://www.leicestermercury.co.u ... &pNodeId=132393
10:30 - 07 February 2008
An "obnoxious" aeroplane passenger who told an air hostess there was a bomb in her bag has been jailed for 12 months.
Ann Hassell later claimed it was a drunken joke - but her claim sparked an emergency response by police and firefighters when the aircraft landed at East Midlands Airport.
It had to be directed to a remote part of the airport while the matter was investigated.
Leicester Crown Court was told that Hassell (34) and her companions were noisy, rude and demanding towards cabin crew throughout the flight from Crete on June 26 last year.
When a stewardess picked up Hassell's handbag from her feet to put it in an overhead locker ready for landing, Hassell told her: "I'd be careful with that there's a bomb in it."
The comment was followed by sniggering, but the young air hostess, who had only been in her job for two months, was unsure what to do about the claim.
She told a senior steward, who notified the pilot.
Victoria Rose, prosecuting, said the pilot asked the crew to check if it was a joke and search the bag.
When spoken to, Hassell said it was a joke but, as the bag was searched, her companion said "bang" and "tick, tick, tick", and Hassell continued being loud and abusive.
She told the crew: "I'm going to get you for this. It was only a joke."
After landing, Hassell was taken off the plane and other passengers were delayed by half an hour.
In interview she said: "It was a stupid comment."
Judge Simon Hammond said: "It was also very stressful for the captain who had the responsibility for the crew and his passengers.
"We live in a time of national anxiety and stress about terrorism.
"I certainly don't understand what the joke was.
"It's a topical issue about people misbehaving on planes. This one was full of holidaymakers, including children - and for some, flying is a very nerve-wracking experience.
"If people make these sort of remarks they must be punished and there must be an element of deterrence."
Hassell, of Kirkby Road, Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, wept throughout yesterday's hearing.
She pleaded guilty to aircraft passenger interference with the performance of a crew member.
The court heard she had been released from jail six months before the incident, from a four-year jail sentence for drugs offences and burglary.
She also had previous convictions for offences of violence.
Steven Gosnell, defending, said Hassell's mother was recently found to be terminally ill and she was desperate to spend as much time with her as possible.
He said: "If the worst happens while she's incarcerated, she'll have to live with that.
"She bitterly regrets what she did and now realises it was foolish." |