金钱- 61551
魅力- 10
威望- 6154
- 积分
- 6178
- 精华
- 7
- 帖子
- 1505
根据Leicester Mercury报道,昨天凌晨6点35,莱斯特北部小村Anstey的Nationwide银行在装取款机钱的时候遭两人抢劫,两抢劫犯只用锤子,居然打退了两个保安抢劫成功。如果大家有看到一辆金属灰色Audi A3的消息和银色BMW经过Anstey的的线索,请联系警方。
[来源:Leicester Mercury 5月12日]

Hammer thugs in cash-raid terror at building society in Leicestershire village
http://www.thisisleicestershire. ... detail/article.html
By ciaran fagan social affairs correspondent
Robbers armed with hammers ambushed two security guards delivering boxes of cash to a village building society.
The two men, wearing balaclavas, confronted the guards at the Nationwide branch, in the centre of Anstey, early on Tuesday morning.
The pair grabbed boxes of cash, which were to be used to fill the branch's hole in the wall cash machine.
Police said the pair struck at about 6.35am and escaped with a "large quantity of cash".
Detective Constable Sean Lynch said: "Thankfully, no-one was injured but a large quantity of cash was stolen.
"The robbery happened in broad daylight at a time when people may have been travelling to work.
"If you live in the area or were travelling through and saw the incident, please don't hesitate to call us."
Rekha Gadhia, manager of the branch, said the robbery happened before staff arrived for work.
The guards were shaken, but not injured, she said. Police had remained at the scene all day.
Businesses in The Nook, the village's main shopping area, said the incident had left people feeling shaken. However, they said crime was low in the area.
Philip Toone, owner of the neighbouring Flower Potz, said: "Some people will say this makes Anstey look bad.
"But that's not the case, it's just bad luck for the village and for that poor security guard. They could have robbed him at any of his ports of call. Whoever did this wouldn't be from here.
"They've come here to do a robbery and they've gone back to where they came from."
Sharon Pole, owner of the Nook Coffee Shop, said: "Anstey is such a quiet place.
"Everyone was so shocked when they saw the police tape around the building society.
"People heard that security guards had been attacked by men with a hammer. It's good to know they weren't injured."
Officers said the two suspects got into a metallic grey Audi A3 driven by an accomplice. A short time after the robbery, its number plates were changed and discarded in the Ratby Lane area of Markfield.
The same car was also spotted in the Burgin Road area of Anstey about 45 minutes before the robbery.
At that time, it appeared to be closely followed by a silver BMW.
Police are appealing for anyone with information about the robbery and the occupants of the Audi A3, to call them immediately.
Det Con Lynch said: "We would also like to speak to the occupants of the silver BMW, seen travelling near to the Audi A3 prior to the incident.
"If you are the occupants, or know who they are, please get in touch."
Contact Det Con Lynch at Leicestershire police on 0116 222 2222, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.