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应该归类到娱乐新闻: 莱斯特一些的市民搞笑要求市政厅作出对应僵尸入侵的应急方案,City Council哭笑不得,根据FOI (Freedom of Information),市民有权要求政府公开任何信息。
澄清:此消息来源于自称“concerned citizen”的一封恶作剧信件,根据我们了解,今日市政府附近并没有任何的化妆成僵尸的人,各报纸新闻使用的照片大多取自一些电影片段,而非现场照片。
[来源: 每日电讯 6月10日]
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... re-FOI-request.html
Council asked to reveal zombie invasion plans in bizarre FOI request
Leicester City Council was asked to explain its emergency plans to tackle a zombie invasion, in a bizarre FOI request.

Dawn of the Dead' Film - 1978:
By Emily Gosden
11:58AM BST 10 Jun 2011
The authority has yet to formally respond but has indicated that there are no specific references to zombies in its emergency plans.
A "concerned citizen", Robert Ainsley, lodged his query on Tuesday, asking: "Can you please let us know what provisions you have in place in the event of a zombie invasion?"
He added: "Having watched several films it is clear that preparation for such an event is poor and one that councils throughout the kingdom must prepare for."
Leicester City Council has twenty working days to answer but its head of information governance, Lynn Wyeth, took to local radio yesterday to address the issue.
She said: "We've had a few wacky ones but this one did make us laugh.
"It's one of those questions that you could do a one-liner saying there is nothing specifically in the emergency plan to state a response to a zombie invasion.
"But you could look at it in more depth and say, 'Which parts of the emergency plan could you apply to a zombie invasion?' - as it would have the same impact as perhaps some other disaster or attack."
She told the BBC: "If it's specifically about zombies then I would say, from my recollection of the plan... then unfortunately there's nothing in there... saying how we would respond to zombies."
Ms Wyeth said that the council was required by law to responond to all requests made under the Freedom of Information Act.
She said: "To you it might seem frivolous and a waste of time... but to different people it actually means something." |