金钱- 61510
魅力- 10
威望- 6154
- 积分
- 6178
- 精华
- 7
- 帖子
- 1505
[来源: Highcross 2月13日]
莱斯特Highcross Student Lock-In将会在2月28日晚上再度举行,Highcross内将成为学生专场,各商店会有不同的优惠折扣和娱乐活动,只限当晚。去年人山人海全城学生出动排长龙的场景估计大家还记忆犹新,因上次入口太过拥挤,这次改为先在网上注册,打算去的同学可以在这提前注册下:

http://www.highcrossleicester.co ... t-lock-in-2012.aspx
Highcross 购物中心里部分商店当晚的打折情况,更多的会在链接里更新的:
Retailer Offers:
Office - 20% off
Cult - 20% off
H&M - 20% off
Footasylum - 20% off
Miss Selfridge - 20% off
Lipsy - 20% off
Luke 1977 - 20% off, DJ in store.
Urban Pies - Half Price Pies from 5pm - 8pm
Jones The Bootmaker - 20% off
Goldsmiths - 10% off - Plus free drinks and sweets in store
Levis - 30% off, plus DJ, Red Bull Bar and photographer in store.
Schuh - 15% off
Reiss - 15% off
G - Star - 20% off