莱斯特华人网 | LeicesterBBS

标题: 退宿舍的问题,麻烦大家了~ [打印本页]

作者: gail    时间: 2011-4-17 14:27     标题: 退宿舍的问题,麻烦大家了~


作者: jasme    时间: 2011-4-17 14:38


[ 本帖最后由 jasme 于 2011-4-17 14:39 编辑 ]
作者: gail    时间: 2011-4-17 14:47

作者: leumas    时间: 2011-4-17 22:50

bunnytutu (5)
作者: 莱斯特六哥    时间: 2011-7-26 14:20

请问deadline是什么时候啊? 还是写在邮件里?
作者: yanny    时间: 2011-7-26 14:40

回复 莱斯特六哥 的帖子

作者: 芝麻香香    时间: 2011-7-26 14:58


作者: 莱斯特六哥    时间: 2011-7-26 15:20

If you accept our offer of accommodation and then cancel on or before 30 June 2010, you will be charged £75 as a cancellation/administration charge.

If you accept our offer of accommodation and then cancel between 1 July and 31 August 2010, you will be charged £100 as a cancellation/administration charge.

If you accept our offer of accommodation and then cancel between 01 September 2010 and the Saturday before the start of Autumn Term, you will be charged £150 as a cancellation/administration charge.

If you arrive at the University of Leicester as a full-time registered student but you fail to take up residency in the room you have been allocated, the full regulations will apply and you will be liable for fees for the whole session.
作者: cathy0703    时间: 2011-7-26 16:08

回复 jasme 的帖子

请问 如果我不满意现在的住宿offer 如何向学校申请transfer呢?我想住学校近点 nixon opal之类的 结果给我分了个grange 郁闷……求助……官网找不到信息 说要填transfer request form 压根搜不到 发邮件给AO也无回应 谢谢!!

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