如果你住在離倫敦200miles以外的人 都可以寄簽的(莱斯特当然包括在内)
1.visa application 申根的申請表格在網路上下載 歐盟國家通用的那種表格就可以 不一定要希臘申根專門的表格
2. *An original passport valid for at least three months longer than the expiry date of the visa you are applying for三個月期效以上的英國簽證(咱学生就是ID啦,还有护照)
3.兩張大頭照片Two recent passport size photographs
4.*A recent official letter 學校證明信件
5.*Provisional booking for flights 機票證明
6.*Provisional booking for accommodation or a formal invitation of your host in Greece plus a copy of his/her passport or ID Card, which have been authenticated accordingly (e.g. by a relevant Greek public authority e.g. Greek police, Greek Consulate etc). If your host in Greece is not a Greek national, please also provide copy of his/her residence permit authenticated accordingly (as mentioned above) 住宿證明 如果你有greek friend 請他寫一封正式的邀請信件 邀請你去他家玩 列印之後 找到當地的greek 辦事處 請希臘駐第的辦事人員 幫你簽名蓋章順便copy一份你朋友的id 或是他的護照
7*Evidence that you have sufficient funds to cover the cost of your intended stay in Greece e.g. a recent bank statement or travellers cheques 三個月以內的銀行存款證明 如果沒有三個月以內的 可以寄上你的旅支 旅支金額用你的旅遊的天數下去衡量
8*Proof of travel insurance to cover your intended stay in Greece 旅遊保險
10.签证费用现在是58镑,切记要带现金11.在邮局买的special delivery的信封袋,上面写好姓名地址,办好的护照就用这个给你寄回来(一周内能收到)