(1)签证毕业证(莱斯特华人网提醒,使用假证害人害己)是需要的,如果还没有拿到毕业正,需要提供成绩单和你一定会拿到学位的证明 (page 20)
(2) 应该是不需要预约的,你看看这 http://www.vfs-uk-cn.com/chinese/faqs.aspx#2
the student’s birth certificate showing names of his/her parent(s);
ii. the student’s certificate of adoption showing names of both parent(s) or legal
iii. a Court document naming the legal guardian of the student.
其实,我申莱斯特的语言班申的灰常之顺,澳际的老师都觉得不可思议,我是5月28晚上可能都11点多了吧,申的courseE,6月1日下午快五点拿到的offer,然后我accept了(邮件发过来的时候我在电脑跟前,直接点开看到人家写Your application has been successful直接就欢乐了,再看到下面几行写着Please read the information carefully & confirm if you are accepting the offer or not as soon as possible. 直接就回给他们说accept~