卖掉MSc_Marketing论文必备各种书籍,附赠历年考题和复习资料,考试重点。 【semester 必修以及选修】 1。 Marketing Research课程论文必备教科书: 20磅 # Marketing Research Naresh K. Malhotra 20磅 # Business research methods Bryman &Bell 2. Principles & Practice of Marketing 15磅 # Principles & Practice of Marketing Jobber 7磅 # Principles of Marketing Kotler 3. Marketing Theory 15磅 # Marketing 作者是本科目授课教师 Saren,此书对于此门考试相当有帮助 4. Consumer Behavior 25磅 # Consumer Behavior Solomon 最新版本!!全新书内附赠考试重点highlight 5.Business to business 10磅 # Business to Business 6.International Marketing 5磅 7. 论文必备书目: 10磅 Philosophy and organization 8. 牛津高级中英文字典 5磅