德大学营销的同学(包括international marketing and business, marketing and management, business and marketing等专业的盆友们)一定要看哦!!下面的书都是上课的时候必备的核心教材,现在全部低价转让喽!而且保证书很新,上面也没有乱七八糟的标记!
1. 30学分必修课程 Brand management第二学期必备教材 - Rik Riezebos (2003) Brand Management (见下图) 原价49.99磅,Amazon 上卖47.49磅,现只卖25磅!
(第一学期 Innovation Management and New Product Development 的教材已卖出,但亲们有需要的话我同学那边也有)
2. International Marketing and Business专业30学分必修课程 - European Business issues 核心教材 - Richard Baldwin and Charles Wyplosz (2009) - The Economics of European Integration, 3rd edition 全新。原价是44.99磅,Amazon上卖36.29磅,现只卖28磅!
3. 15学分必修课程 - International Marketing的必备教材 - Kate Gillespie, David Hennessey, Jean-Pierre Jeannet and Hubert Hennessey (2006) Global Marketing, 2ed edition. 原价45.99磅,现仅卖25磅!
4. 30学分选修课程 - Advertising and Promotion 的必备教材 - David Pickton and Amanda Broderick (2004) Integrated Marketing Communications,2nd edition. 原价49.98磅,Amazon上的价格是43.34磅,现只卖30磅!