Anyway, there is a Career Opportunity Presentation at Crick at J 18 on M1 on Monday 26th Jan, if anyone is interested in it please book it from me. Thanks.
不是传销,放心好了,因为付你月费的是终极用户不是你自己。你可以不买你推销的产品,但你必须很了解产品细节,而且要用到在英国学得最基本的知识 "Presentation!!!" - you need to give potential customers an impression within first 5 minutes. You will be rich if you do so.
There is a Career Opportunity Presentation at Crick at J 18 on M1 on Monday 26th Jan, if you wish to go please email me to book it. Please leave your name and mobile number in your email. Many thanks.