The first UNION Oriental Food Festival will take place 22-23 March, at Victoria square in Birmingham. The celebration cannot run without the assistance of a small army of volunteers. So, if you or your group can help us and assist with the duties running a festival requires, we would love to hear from you!
As long as you are over 18 years old and willing to work as a part of the team, we would like invite you to get involved. There are lots of benefits you can gain from volunteering, each volunteers will receive a Union VIP card, a volunteer certification and £10 cash/day for lunch.
Your job includes: story writing, modeling and interview jobs for UNION Festival Special Issue, assisting office team with set up works, providing information for visitors, handing out leaflets and balloons, taking photos and videos.
Or downloading this Volunteer application form, and send it to us
Volunteering with such exciting event can be an excellent way of gaining new skills or developing talents and knowledge that you already have. So, why not get involved now?