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21.Backhouse R. (2010) The Puzzle of Modern Economics: Science orideology (For Course Module: 1st year) 4磅
22. Friedman M. (1962) Capitalism and Freedom 4磅 (For Course Module: 1st year)
23.Kay J. Everlasting Light Bulbs: How economics illuminates the world (For Course Module: 1st year) 买21或22赠23或24(二选一)
24.Patel R. (2009) The Value of Nothing (For Course Module: 1st year) 买21或22赠23或24(二选一)
25.Heilbroner R. (1953)The Worldly Philosophers (For Course Module: 1st year)2磅
26.Lee K. & Carter S.(2005) Global Marketing Management (Formanagement postgraduates) 1磅
27.哈弗商业学院MBA核心课案例之组织行为学【中文版】(Organizational Behaviour) 27与28单买4磅,
28.哈弗商业学院MBA核心课案例之人力资源管理【中文版】(Human Resource Management)27与28单买4磅,
29.管理学 原书第九版【中文版】(Robbins S. & Coulter M. 9th Edition Management)4.5磅(附赠管理学学习指导)
30.Soloman M et al., (2002) ConsumerBehaviour: A Europe Perspective 3rd edition (For management postgraduates) 11磅
31.Armstrong& Kotler (2011) Marketing: An Introduction 10th edition (For Course Module: 2nd year Marketing) 12磅
32. Jobber D. Principles and Practice of Marketing4th edition (For management postgraduates) 买31赠32
33. 牛津实用英语语法
【中文版】(Thomson A & Martinet A Practical English Grammar), 本人在国内找到的唯一一本权威的,英国人写的,翻译成中文的语法。与中国人写的语法相比,这本书对于在英国就读的同学来说更加实用。可结合‘English Grammar in Use’这本书看。2磅
34. Murphy R. (2004) English Grammar in use 3rd edition 12磅 很多老师推荐的语法书,对于写论文非常有帮助。本来想带回国的,最后还是忍痛割爱了!如果与33合买,13磅
35. 本科毕业论文写作技巧 【中文版】(Greetham B. How to write your undergraduate dessertation) 这本书我强烈推荐,在我写dissertation的时候,对我的帮助很大。这也是我找到的唯一一本中文版的翻译英国毕业论文写作技巧的书。错过就没有了!!3磅
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