虽然内心很不悦,但我自己有错在先,箱子随意丢弃是不该,因此我隔天也就是事发第三天,我第三次来到了前住处,箱子放在垃圾桶旁边的墙角,于是我马上收拾好箱子之后,来到了门口按门铃,但是没人应门,马上打电话给二房东,一开始没有接,但是后来他马上回电了,他说: “箱子收了就好了,我人在外面,我今天会把钱汇给你,” 又急忙挂掉电话。我内心觉得很奇怪,因为明明两分钟前看到后头的窗户是开着的呀,再绕回去看,窗户竟然关上了!!!这….不是分明就在家吗?!
我试着连络他,连打好几通电话他都不接,在外头耗了将近20分钟,二房东回讯息了”说钱已入账,请在两个小时内看一下(check ur account in 2 hours)”,接着我传讯息询问转了多少钱给我,他说:”300 ,剩下的150从你的押金里面扣掉了(300, deducate for the bill you wasted 150)” 什么!?!?!?!?! 不是说好450吗????? 我开始继续打电话给他,依然不接,只传讯息来说: “那些是你平常日常生活的浪费,包括在房间使用电热扇,当我长时间不在房间时没有随手关灯,我跟你说过很多次,但你从来不听,没有人会负担那些费用,你应该要付,我现在很忙,没办法接你电话 “ 看到这些话,我只感觉到很莫名,我心里想这些二房东口中的”浪费”为什么就是被扣150镑? 这证据在哪里? 好歹也要拿出bill对帐吧? 这件事情没有当面讲清楚,也太说不过去了吧! 在计无可施的情况下,我在同时传简讯要他接电话的同时,决定直接再到住处楼下按门铃,如果不在家,那么按再久他应该也听不到。结果一如我所料,他确实在家,在门铃长按之下,他终于透过对讲机出声要我别再按了,我说: “我只是想把事情问清楚”,二房东却说: “房东已经说过了,不允许你再进来这个屋子,我们就用对讲机说吧”。接着他开始大声讲述过去我是怎么浪费这个家的电,想看bill没门,算我150镑已经很便宜了,本来应该完全不退给我。最后当然也是不悦收场,在双方情绪又被挑高的情况下,在无法讲下去的情况下,他又直接挂上了对讲机,一如往常。
to be fair, a lot of students like to rent house with bills included and then waste a lot of electricity. Most landlord prefer to exclude bills so students just use gas/electricity when it is needed (with good habit of switching heating and light off when not in their rooms) and it would be better for both parties. Some dodgy landlord do something to the meter so bills are included but it is dangerous, electricity could be overloaded and accident prone to happen. As a landlord, I never like to include bills so normally students will build a good habit unless they don't care to have a big bill. When accident does happen, I am sure the damage will cost more than £150 and the landlord will have to pay for the damage. Will the students pay for the total damage? I doubt about it. I am a landlord, I have bad experience of students caused damage to the house and even I deduct the deposit but it cost me 5 times to repair the house (even though I am not a dodgy landlord as I never like to alter the electricity meter)作者: mariapoon78 时间: 2013-7-13 12:18
a piece of advice, it is better to sign contract with the landlord not the '二房东'