这个问题完全看你和房东如何协商的。 没有固定法律。 你房东可能喜欢半年付和年付。 但是如果你签订合同了怎么交都无所谓吧…你的房东也太敏感了, 合同签了怎么付都行啊。因为违反合同还是对留学生蛮麻烦的~ 如果房东告你上法庭就麻烦了。。。。。我读书的时候,两个女生想出去租房,就半中间想退nixon宿,学校很正式警告如果违反合同就take them to court
if you will honour the contract and stay for the whole period, there is no difference to pay all the rent at the beginning of term or not. I am a landlord and I have bad experience from students. They moved away without paying the last term of rent while I was away on holiday. Then they didn't answer any email, text message or my phone call. The house was dirty and the bills were not paid. Now I learnt the mistake and will ask students to pay all the rent at beginning of term.作者: yericl 时间: 2014-8-15 22:56
As a landlord, I find it is too much trouble to bother students once a month. If I have an agency to collect rent for me, the cost of paying agency is around 10-15% of rent which will add on to the cost of the rent and the students will have to pay more. For good tenants, it is alright for landlord to collect rent every two or three months. Unfortunately, there are more and more students go home straight away after exam in May and will not pay the last term of rent which is not fair to the landlord. 作者: ttt 时间: 2014-8-16 11:46