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[本地消息] 莱斯特:喝醉青年打伤BUS乘客牙齿,赔偿500英镑 [复制链接]

发表于 2008-3-23 10:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
[Leicester Mercury 英文报道 3月21日]

http://www.leicestermercury.co.u ... &pNodeId=132393


A drunken teenager who broke the teeth of a sleeping bus passenger has been ordered to pay his victim £500 compensation.

The youth, now aged 17, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was also told to pay £194 for his victim's dental repairs, as well as £70 court costs. He was also given a 12-month referral order.

The teenager admitted committing assault, causing actual bodily harm, to 41-year-old Val Pentony, from Broughton Astley, last month.

Sabina D'Sa, prosecuting, said Mr Pentony and his 14-year-old son had been to a rugby match and were travelling home on the upper desk of a bus at about 11pm.

She said: "Mr Pentony nodded off and he cannot recall anything before he felt a pain in his mouth and two loose teeth.

"He saw five or six youths walking past him and he asked his son who had done it. By this time, he had two broken teeth in his hand and his moth was full of blood."

When the victim went to ask why he had been attacked, he received a barrage of verbal abuse and was punched again and head-butted, knocking him to the floor.

"The defendant was bragging and boasting about what he had done but the girls who were in the group seemed shocked, " said Ms D'Sa.

Mr Pentony was upset, not only for himself, but because of the effect on his son.

Clarkson Baptiste, for the youth, said the assault was "a very unsavoury event which cannot be minimised in any way".

He said the defendant had shown remorse by pleading guilty at the first chance and wanted to make amends in any way possible.

Mr Baptiste said the youth, who lives in south Leicestershire, was not used to drinking, but he also did not wish to hide behind alcohol as an excuse for his actions.

"This was an aberration, a one-off incident, " said Mr Baptiste.

The youth told the court: "I am sorry for what I have done. I cannot go back in time. I have embarrassed myself and my family, and want to show I am sorry to Mr Pentony."
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