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[国内消息] 英国times网友:面对地震,中国政府反应速度值得表扬 [复制链接]

发表于 2008-5-13 14:22 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
首先 为灾民祈祷


http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol ... /article3921520.ece

More than 18,000 people were still trapped in the rubble of Sichuan's second city today as Chinese troops battled through the disaster zone to devastated towns and villages cut off by yesterday's earthquake

As the official death toll climbed past 12,000, the official Xinhua agency reported that 3,639 people had been killed in Mianyang, a city near the epicentre of the 7.9-magnitude quake. A further 18,645 were still buried in the debris of collapsed buildings, beyond the reach of rescue teams, it said.

Separately, a British travel company announced that 19 of its customers had gone missing on a panda-watching tour, although Abta said that 100 other British tourists were accounted for and had survived the massive quake.
Related Links

    * British panda-watchers missing in Sichuan

    * Dujiangyan, the city reduced to rubble

    * Foreign Office to launch traveller tracking site


    * Pictures: China earthquake rescue

    * Video: moment the quake struck

Kuoni Travel said that the 19 tourists, with a local guide and driver, were travelling from coach from Chengdu, the provincial capital, to the Wolong nature reserve when the quake hit yesterday afternoon.

"All lines of communication to the region are down and as such no further information is known at this time," the firm said in a statement.

The Chinese authorities have sent 50,000 troops to the region, but they are struggling to reach the three counties at the mountainous heart of the worst tremor to hit China in 32 years.

Heavy rain and low cloud were preventing efforts to reach cut off towns by helicopter, and landslides have blocked roads to the remote town of Wenchuan, which bore the brunt of the earthquake.

Plans to parachute in troops and relief supplies had to be called off because of storms.

The vanguard of the relief effort, 1,300 troops and medics, arrived on foot in Wenchuan at lunchtime today, 24 hours after the quake struck the area some 60 miles Chengdu.

One local journalist said: "We understand that at every step they take, they are having to climb over landslides, piles of rock and hundreds of houses that have been smashed across the road."

In the city of Dujiangyan, about halfway between Chengdu and the epicentre, rescuers had worked frantically through the night, pulling bodies from homes, schools, factories and hospitals and lining them up on the tarmac under blue tarpaulin.
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    * Have your say

At first,I`m so sad about the earthqueke in China.I think all Chinese people will overcome this storm together,we can rebluid our hometown.
Thank you hot heart people!

Yuanzhenghua, Wuhan, China

Sympathy for the victims of the earthquake, especially the poor children. But do we need to see so many graphic photos of the people who are trapped underneath rubble?

Nikki, Leeds, UK

Thank you so much, my dear friends, our Chinese will do our best to conquer the diaster with the bless of all people in the world!!!!

Joey Pan, Chongqing, China

An awful thing to happen. My hopes and wishes go out to the Chinese people. One thing that struck me on the news was how well prepared the authorities appeared to be.

kirk, Rotherham, UK

We Chinese are strong people.
No matter what confronts us I'm sure we shall overcome!

Erine, Zhejiang, China

I spent 3 weeks in your lovely country in March--visiting Beijing, Shanghai, Wohan, Chengdu, Yangtse Gorge, Guilin, and LiPo River valley.. I am so sad that you have had this awful, earthquake, and send you all every Good Wish for a successful ouitcome.
You are a strong people, you will win!!

Bill Armstrong, knaresborough, UK

My thoughts and prayers are with all the people of China. My deepest sympathy to all who have lost loved ones. I Pray The Almighty Father will send his Angels to those who are still buried in the rubble and comfort them until they are found. God Bless you all.

Sharon, Newcastle, South Africa

My deepest sympathies to the Families who have lost their near and dearest members. I pray that the Almighty gives you strength to handle such a grim situation. To the Premier of China , the Government and the people of the Country, my Prayers are with you.

Deepak., New Delhi., India.

it's so sadness for me to see more than 300 child dead bodies layed on the ground through the website.
pray for chinese will conquer the disaster.

bettywang, dalian, china

[State-run] China View: "YICHANG, Hubei, May 13 (Xinhua) -- The Three Gorges Dam…was in normal operation despite Monday's [7.9 Richter Scale] quake…." "The dam was designed to withstand quakes up to 7 on the Richter scale...."

Distance Wenchuan to Ychang: 1,000 kilometers.

Good Luck. China!

Laurence Tenney, San Francisco,

John Sinclair of Dundee wrote:"I see the Chinese have lots of materials to help themselves. Why weren't these materials offered to Burma?"

FYI, Burma has accepted aid from China, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, India and charities such as Save Children Fund but has refused aid from Western govts.

Yang, Shanghai, China

surely our people will win the war against the great disaster!
I am in the disaster area now,but not many people feel scared,more of them,however,begining to do everything they can to help others shows our they are very strong

god bless my country!

wei xu guang, xi'an city, china

Experts say that the energy released form the quake was 252 times stronger than combined nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. God bless Sichuan !

Dr. Wang, London, UK

God bless you all
please pray for the poor people in china

Kuda, southend, UK

I'm in Chongqing, 300 miles away from the epicenter. we have felt the earthquake wave, but everything is ok. I'm really moved by the volunteering people. Many young people in our company asked to donate blood. And we called the local Blood Bank to ask a group donating.

Christina, Chongqing, China

The receiver told us with excited and moved voice, he said many many people and units called to ask a group donating. I never expected people can do this. And many people donated money to the redcross.

Christina, Chongqing, China

My wife and I met and travelled with a Chinese lad in Italy [Tuscany] recently - we hope and pray he is well. He was going back to China at the end of last week.

Sad news !!!!

Ian Payne, WALSALL,

My heart goes out to all those who have suffered or lost loved ones as a result of this event, and those in Myanmar too.

I always try to hope that at least some good will come out of even the greatest disasters, it is hard to see what it may be at the time, but it is still my hope.

James, London, UK

At last some good decisions by the chinese,by taking a fast response to such a crisis to help those affected but I can't help thinking that the spin doctors and ministers of propaganda are using this tragedy to promote an image of caring for its citizens which is a useful distraction to human rights

Fintan McConville, Rathfriland, N.I

Chaos often breeds life,when order breeds habit.
Every little wholehearted help is the most importance for saving more lifes.

s leung, scotland, uk

God bless my country and all the innocent people!I pray for them sincerely !

Austin, Guangzhou, china

I see the Chinese have lots of materials to help themselves. Why weren't these materials offered to Burma? So much for the great China that the Chinese seem to believe in. Sadly the Chinese people all over the world look at all things "China" through rose-tinted glasses, it's time they took them off

John Sinclair, Dundee, UK

I am shocked and profoundly saddened to watch the devastation of the earthquake in south western China. We were in Chendu only 5 month ago visiting the Giant pandas at Woolong nature reserve and the stunningly beautiful mountain sceneries. Great to see China responding quickly . So sad.

Anil jowaheer, London , England UK

i am very saddened to see this tragedy, one after another...

i am hoping that the hurt,devastated can cope thru all this.

i am heartbroken that so many have died.... but the chinese government did answer very quickly to the calls of its people
that is very commendable.....our hearts are wid you al

nathaniel fernandez, seattle, u.s.a

I fell sorry for every single life that lost in this earthquake. For some time I've tried not to worry about my people in the distant land by building a mental wall that assure me I am no longer part of the problem. I wll do whatever I can to help these people

M0nkeyb0y, Sydney, Australia

Bless to you all!

jiucheng liu, beijing, China

Readers would obviously like to be kept informed about foreign aid arriving in China. According to the article, "The foreign ministry said that it welcomed offers of international aid".

Joan Moira Peters, Whangarei (UK Citizen , temp o/seas in NZ)

good luck for my brothers and sisters!!

xueke, shanghai, china

All the people are innocent.They should have not suffered this.God bless them,bless those who are rescuing the people,bless my motherland and her sons and daughters.pls...

Roger Hu, Quanzhou, China

It is an enormous quake, causing such a big loss. Earthquake precaution system still needs impoving. With the help all around, these earthquake-striken areas will come through the disaster soon, which I strongly believe.

caoliyan, Jinhua, china

I would just like to express my sympathy to all those affected by the earthquake and congratulate the Chinese government on its quick and effective response, I hope the Burmese Junta are feeling shamed as China shows them how a government should respond to a such a disaster.

Michael, Nottm, UK

If you wish to donate but cannot access the Red Cross Society of China website, the British Red Cross has also set a webpage for a China Quake Donation.

Someone mentioned that it's possible to donate blood: could you please pass on more info? Where about here in Beijing?

Luca, Beijing, China

I was so shocked to know about the quake in my homeland. it is poignent to see so many people devastated...I feel awlful that I am not able to go there and help out by my own hands. Wish the victims and rescuers all the best and I shall do all I can. W e can get through it. Yes, we can.

Cai Guo, Beijing, China

It is a enormous quake, causing such a big loss. Earthquake precaution system still needs impoving. With the help all around, these earthquake-striken areas will come through the disaster soon, which I strongly believe.

caoliyan, Jinhua, china

Kudos to China for its quick reaction to the disaster

Jerry Scroggin, Phoenix, Arizona/USA

more information contact helplines???? how do find out if family are ok?
my mum and dad are in the area and i need to know that they are ok. They were touring seeing the Pandas. Chengdu/Wolong
i cant get through to their hotel......in Chengdu.

lisa staples, Portsmouth, Hants, uk

i feel so sorry and sad for the people who were hurt by the great disaster. i wish i were on the spot to do what i can to help them. i am moved by the rescuers. i still have the confidence that our great china, our great chinese people will undoubtly comeover it.

little july, zhuji, china

Brave and courage, we will get throught it! Pray for my countruymen, pray for China! I love this country!

marie, Beijing,

Bless for my country!I'm sure we chinese people will overcome this disaster.
Believe our country..

Lindsay, Wuhan, China

To all who believes in God, please pray for the people of China.

Nora Lum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This was really a shock for all the chinese people!
This year China has already been confronted with a lot of chanlleges, but fortunately she has done well. This time i believe with the 1.3 billion people standing together and helping each other, she can also make it.
Best wish for sichuan,!

YuAina , jinhua, China

I am overwhelmed with sadness for the poor people of the Schezuan province who have been badly hit by this earthquake. I was in Chengdu a little over a week ago, and now I am praying for success for the rescue teams, and for the relatives and friends who have lost their loved ones.

Jonny, Orlando, US

I am British and in Guangzhou, China at the moment. I am glad that China is accepting all the help that is offered and I am shocked at some of the rather hurtful things said about the Chinese people. This Nation has had more than its share of natural disasters this year but the people are resilient

Derek Beardsall, Guangzhou, China

We have such a devoted premier, we have 1.3 billion countryman, we have full confidence to conquer this diaster.

Jason Xue , Xi`an , China

So sadding when I heard about this,but we should face the fact and try our best to help those people whose in troubles.I think our goverment can lead us to through this tragedy.GOD BLESSING OUR CHINA.


Jack, guangdong, China

It is very sad to hear this disaster and people who suffered in this natural disaster mainly are minority ethnic groups like Tibetan. Hope the China's government rescue all people that suffered ASAP. Bless China

Peter, London, UK


beckham, livepool, wigan

bless our motherland !

maple, jiangxi, china

Believe Chinese People!
Beelieve Chinese Government!
Calmness and Braveness will help us conquer every difficulty!

Carter, beijing,

May the almighty Lord be with the Chinese. What's really touching is the response of China's primier Wen Jia Bao, who devoted himself to the frontline as soon as he noticed the outbreak of the disaster.

Andrew, Beijing,

Ms Jane Macartney , thank you for your excellent coverage and hard work.

I'm not in my country, but i feel the pain, I pray there is less death.
For people who want to help, please log on Red Cross Socity of China, they have started a Quake Donation, but the site are very slow at the moment.

Chi Zhang, Swindon, UK

Believe our government.

Ben, Nanning, China

bless! we'll get through it !

bob, nanjing, china

Pat - who typed your sick thoughts in for you ?
Matthew - Cork is in the Eire not Northern Ireland - they've had peace for quite a while and obviously some genetic problems !

Andy, New Plymouth, New Zealand

See, that's why it is shame for westerners to lecture others about "human" rights. So you should get the jobs but chinese shouldn't? You get to waste oil but it's wrong for chinese to buy oil? Now i don't feel bad for whoever died in ireland potatos famine, you know, just millions less wasting oil.

alan, beijing,

Nice matt. Turn a tragic story into an excuse to knock ireland. You should learn to ignore the pat's of the world.

aine, dublin,

My thoughts and prayers are with those affected in China.

Pat of Ireland, I hope your Guinness factory falls on your head.

Miguel, Hobart, Australia

Bless for my country! All the colleage students like us will donate our blood for the disaster areas. I have done it this morning , i hope i will do some help to the people needed.

Weiguang, hefei, China

Yesterday at roughly 2 pm I felt dizzy, then realized it was the earthquake when my co-workers told me about it. Here in Beijing it was rather mild; I had no idea it was so bad. I hope the death toll ceases to mount at 8700. I also hope the Chinese have all the help they need.

Anthony, Beijing,

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