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最近莱斯特怪事不少,据Leicester Mercury 新闻报道,今天中午约11点多,一男子在莱斯特市中心的City Hall前的喷泉处裸奔,不少在喷泉广场吃出午饭的人民目瞪口呆,随后遭大批人围观喝彩鼓掌,男子裸体跳入喷泉,之后被警方逮捕,理由是公共场所行为不检。
[来源 Leicester Mercury 5月5日]

A naked man was arrested in the Leicester city centre to the sound of cheers and applause.
The streaker, whose face has been pixilated in these pictures, strode boldly into Leicester's Town Hall Square at midday yesterday, astonishing dozens of people out enjoying the sun. He sat down at a bench next to people eating their lunch before police arrived at the scene.
A witness said: "He came round the corner completely starkers. He wasn't carrying a bag, so I don't know where his clothes were.
"He wasn't drawing attention to himself but everyone was looking. There was some tittering and then people started laughing out loud.
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"The police van showed up within seconds and the man got up and jumped into the fountain as the police officer came at him. Everyone was cheering him on, but he just got out of the fountain and was arrested. The police put a blanket over him and took him off in a van."
The police confirmed they had received several calls, starting at 11.55am.
A spokeswoman said: "We had reports of a naked man in Pocklingtons Walk, Millstone Lane and then Horsefair Street.
"A 23-year-old man has been arrested in connection with criminal damage and public order offences."
At the time of going to press, the man was still in custody and had not been charged. Police said there had been damage to some parked vehicles in the city centre.