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昨日(5月12日)晚间6:40左右 Abbey Park附近的一间废弃5楼工厂发生火灾,工厂浓烟滚滚,60名消防队员进行扑救,但所幸没有人员伤亡
[来源: Leicester Mercury 5月13日]

http://www.thisisleicestershire. ... detail/article.html
Crews take on massive fire at empty factory in Leicester
More than 60 firefighters tackled a massive blaze at an empty factory yesterday.
The fire, at a five-storey building in North Mills, Frog Island, Leicester, was reported at 6.40pm.
The building was well alight with flames gushing from the windows and thick, black smoke could be seen from across the city.
The fire service sent eight fire crews from across Leicester, as well as two ladder platforms, to the incident, which was only under control by 9.30pm.
Leicester Mercury reader Sharon Bromley, who took a photograph of the fire at its height, called 999 from her home in Bassett Street.
She said: "We first noticed the fire at about 6.50pm.
"My mate said to me, 'Should there be smoke coming out of that building?'.
"It was one of the old factories by the river that's been derelict for a while.
"I went and called the fire brigade and they said they were on their way to it.
"When I went back to look, there was a lot more fire and then it went up quite suddenly, so I started taking pictures. It looks like the whole building's had it. It was a nice old one, too."
A fire spokesman said: "It was a five-storey building and the fourth and fifth storeys were well alight.
"We received a lot of calls even after we got there saying people could see smoke from quite a distance away.
"The cause is not known at this time.
"We believe it was a derelict building."