金钱- 317
魅力- 2
威望- 237
- 积分
- 239
- 精华
- 0
- 帖子
- 183
http://www.le.ac.uk/ua/fi/studen ... ethodsofpayGBP.html
学校finance office说
【1】Important Note: with effect from 15 June 2007, people who enter the UK from a non-European Union country, carrying a sum of 10,000 Euros or more (or the equivalent in other currencies), either as currency notes or coins, bankers' drafts, cheques or travellers' cheques, must declare the cash to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) at the point of arrival in the UK. Declaration forms are available at ports and airports.
Q:这是要报关还是什么呀?带去的学费生活费和住宿费的汇票肯定超10,000 Euros 了。
【2】汇款方式里的第三种也就是汇票付款说Cheques or Banker’s Drafts, made payable to ‘ University of Leicester’, should be sent to the University Cashiers office at least two weeks before registration.
两个疑问,感谢各位指教啊~ |