1. 主课用书
contemporary business issues用书: Mangement (richard L.daft, martyn kendrick, natalia vershinina, 2011)
Business finance 用书:AG - Arnold G. (2008) Corporate Financial Management – 4th Edition, FT-Prentice Hall
2. 选修课用书
strategic management用书:Strategic Management ,(Volberda, H., Morgan, R., Reinmoller, P., Hitt, M., Ireland, R., and Hoskisson, R. 2011)
international developments in accounting 用书:International Corporate Reporting: A Comparative Approach (2008, (4th Edition), Roberts, Weetman & Gordon, FT Prentice Hall (Compulsory text)
forensic accounting用书: Hopwood W, Young G R & Leiner J (2011) Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, McGraw-Hill
creative action用书:The international handbook of creativity, edited by James C. kaufman robert J. sternberg (2010)
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