莱斯特华人网 | LeicesterBBS



莱斯特华人网 | LeicesterBBS 论坛 空房招租 | House or flat to Let opal对面的小白房千万不要租!!!
楼主: tommao

opal对面的小白房千万不要租!!!   [复制链接]

发表于 2015-8-4 18:40 |显示全部帖子

i have read a lot of statements concerning the house in question.
you say a lot of things which i find too childish to reply to.

however, i will reply to the DEFAMATION!
I have read what some of you have said about me cheating you. I hope you realise that in this country this is called ' defamation of character' and i will be seeing a solicitor for legal action against you. you cannot say and write whatever you feel and not expect me to retaliate against this defamation especially when it is your problem!

I will explain a few things about myself which you have overlooked in your rantings.

My duty was for creating a 'contact only' with the relevant landlord for the house. it was down to the tenant to approve of the house with a 'viewing' which they did.  
This means i only put the information on the internet and make the contact between the tenants and the Landlord.
You knew this when i contacted you! Everything was explained to you clearly.

You knew that the booking fee was non refundable before you took the house yet you complain you will not be paid it back! How stupid!

Do the people that have accused me of 'cheating' these tenants know, after the viewing it is down to the tenant to say 'yes or no' to move in! why do you try to blame me for your problems?

I am not here to nurse you over every little problem.
GROW UP little tenants, and be adults. the problem sounds like it is just an excuse.
There has never been any complaints before until now. how surprising!

You say the house is dirty? THEN CLEAN IT!! you have rented a 'Communal house'. this means you share the cleaning of the public, or communal areas.

Before this house was rented we cleaned the communal area, but the tenants think they can make a mess of it and then its not there problem!

Why all of a sudden do these few tenants start to complain i wonder? is there some other reason why they want to leave. Maybe found something better or now cannot afford it, or just complain about every little thing in the world?
Or are you from a competing Housing Agency? I wonder!!!

You complain about spiders?
The house has grass and trees around it, and you only have a small house. if you leave your window open and the door (it is summer) and you refuse to clean, then spiders will naturally make a home there if you allow it!.

The other complaints are too stupid to reply to. it is all too childish!!!

I will be in communication with you shortly.


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