金钱- 6641
魅力- 20
威望- 3807
- 积分
- 3837
- 精华
- 5
- 帖子
- 3167
national express的大巴票5镑5起~,可以圣诞新年出去玩啦
Christmas has come early! Travel from£5.50 (+£1 booking fee)
If you're quick, you can take advantage of ourlowest one-way fares from £5.50 for traveluntil 12 January 2013. So whether you'replanning a shopping trip, delivering presents toloved ones or fancy a mooch around one of the manyChristmas markets we can get you where you want tobe and back home again, right into the New Year.Hurry, fares are limited!
另外如果有YP coachcard还有1/3 OFF!!跟火车的YP卡一个道理~~
Get a 1/3 off standard fares with a YoungPerson’s Coachcard
Get discount coach fares with the Young PersonsCoachcard; for only £10 you can buy aCoachcard and get cheap coach tickets with 1/3 offstandard fares. The Young Persons Coachcard ischeaper than a railcard and has no off-peakrestrictions which means you can travel anytime!We’ve also added a 10% discount off eventcoach travel.

national express 传送门 |