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本帖最后由 MrSale 于 2013-4-5 21:02 编辑
Vitabiotics所有产品5% OFF打折码~
网站上现在还有全场3for2的折扣!他家是英国NO. 1的维他命营养素品牌~要帮国内代购或者自用送人的都可以下手了~~
code: APRIL05
Ultra™ Vitamin C -£5.95
Ultra™ Vitamin Cprovides slow release vitamin C formulated with25mg of citrus bioflavonoids, for maximumabsorption and effectiveness. Ultra™ VitaminC provides antioxidant support and contributes tonormal function of the immune and nervous system.It increases non-haem iron absorption, the mineralessential for healthy blood formation and alsosupports normal collagenformation.
Ultra™ Vitamin D -£5.10
Ultra™ Vitamin Dprovides optimum strength vitamin D which plays atruly remarkable role in the body and is importantfor many areas of health. It not only contributesto the maintenance of normal bones and teeth butis also known for its role in supporting normalfunction of the immune system, normal celldivision and normal muscle function.
Vitamin D is synthesized bythe body on exposure to sunlight, however manypeople are now following health advice to avoidtoo much sun exposure, which reduces vitamin Dlevels in the body.
Ultra™ Vitamin E -£4.95
Free radicals are produced inexcess due to exposure to pollution, sunlight andmany other factors such as cigarette smoke, andmodern day-to-day living. Antioxidant vitamin Ecan help support the body's ability toneutralise free radicals. Vitamin E(alpha-tocopherol) is an essential fat-solubleantioxidant vitamin which contributes to theprotection of cells from oxidativestress.
Ultra™ L-Carnitine& ALA - £13.95
Ultra™ L-Carnitine& ALA provides high quality 200mg ofL-Carnitine and 50mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)per tablet. L-Carnitine is particularly popularwhen combined with ALA. This high quality formulacontains both key ingredients, formulated byVitabiotics nutritional experts. L-Carnitine is apopular nutritional supplement for those withdemanding lifestyles and those undertaking sportand exercise.
Ultra™ Co-Q10 -£13.95
Co Enzyme-Q10, also known asUbiquinone, is found naturally in almost everycell, and a popular nutritional supplement forthose with busy schedules, the over 50s andsportsmen and women.
co-Q10, 点击图片直达
Ultra™ Glucosamine -£22.40
Ultra™ Glucosamineprovides an easily absorbed form of glucosamine atthe daily level used in published nutritionalresearch. The glucosamine in Ultra™Glucosamine is present in the preferred potassiumform and is of a high quality USPâ€grade, produced in accordance with GoodManufacturing Practice (GMP) standards of qualitycontrol and can be used in conjunction with anyproduct in the Vitabiotics range but would not berequired with any other supplement alreadycontaining glucosamine.
Each tablet provides 995mgGlucosamine Sulphate 2KCL. This equates to 750mgGlucosamine Sulphate (or 589mg glucosamine) pertablet when utilised by the body.