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本帖最后由 Amandacici 于 2014-9-9 20:34 编辑
Mandarin Consulting (http://uk.mcilcn.com/) 致力于为广大留学生提供专业岗位实习,职业规划发展和相关就业培训以及直接推荐就业。
Mandarin Consulting了解外企就业市场和各行业招聘需求,与在英众多知名企业与行业建立了良好的合作关系。凭借多年积累的丰富的职业咨询经验, 良好的专业声誉,以及广泛的国外名企资源,已经成功为众多学子完成了职业规划发展,实现了他们去跨国公司工作的理想。
Mandarin Consulting的品牌项目---“外企求职专家辅导”为广大的求职者进入知名跨国公司工作提供了独一无二的辅导平台,先后帮助众多的优秀学子进入国际知名的跨国公司,包括PWC (普华永道), KPMG (毕马威), Morgan Stanley (摩根士丹利), JP Morgan (摩根大通), Rolls Royce (劳斯莱斯)等。他们求职的”成功案例“,将给你的求职之路带去更多的鼓励和启发!
Mandarin Consulting was founded in 2007 in London by Carrie Waley, who is the CEO of the company and a leading Sino-British business consultant in London.
The company provides services to both individual candidates and companies through its offices in the UK and in China. For individuals, it provides career coaching that assists Chinese students and job seekers to obtain jobs and internships in international companies.
In the past few years Mandarin Consulting has built an outstanding, dedicated and experienced team of native English speaking coaches and professionals who have vast international company work experience together with considerable experience in coaching Chinese candidates.
Mandarin Consulting also has a team of passionate bilingual Chinese consultants who provide free consultations to students and job seekers regarding their career matters. For corporate clients, Mandarin Consulting provides headhunting and recruitment services to enable companies to recruit bilingual Chinese staff effectively.
详情咨询莱斯特校园代理 Amanda Chen
mobile: +44 (0)747 740 6431
wechat: 707271931
email: ac@mandarinconsultant.com |
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