圣诞节越来越近了~莱斯特的圣诞点灯仪式将于11月16日(周日)4.30pm在市中心的Humberstone Gate(就是钟塔附近Primark和superdrug门前那条步行街)举行,到时大街小巷的所有彩灯都会在倒数声中同时亮起,漫天飞雪~迎接圣诞。整个下午市中心各处会有很多丰富多彩的活动和表演,在open market还有冬季美食节~去感受下英国的圣诞气氛吧~
Nice Weekend!

Christmas in the city
Sunday 16 November 2014
11am - 7.30pm
Leicester city centre
Celebrate the start of Christmas in the city with music, entertainment, festive foods and the annual lights switch-on. More event details to be added here soon.
11am – 5.30pm
The Winter Food Festival featuring Christmas crafts at Leicester Market
Main stage and lights switch on at Humberstone Gate West
2pm - 5pm
With comperes from BBC Radio Leicester. Programme to include local acts with dance and musical performance. 2pm Humberstone Choral Society
2.20pm Kainé Choir
2.45pm Studio 79 dance
3.05pm La Bella Ukulele
3.30pm Curve: Sound of Music cast
3.50pm Sally Barker
4.15pm De Montfort Hall: cast from the pantomime Cinderella
4.25pm Countdown by Lord Mayor with Father Christmas, Filbert the Fox and the DMH Cinderella cast
4.30pm Lights switch on at the main stage on Humberstone Gate West (下午4点30分点灯哦~) 4.30pm The Platforms
Musical entertainment in Town Hall Square
2pm - 5pm
2pm La Bella Ukulele
3pm St Margaret’s Choir
3.30pm Bishop Street Methodist Church giant puppet nativity*
4pm Oh Happy Days mass choir **
Meet the Cinderella pantomime cast
2pm - 3.45pm
Meet the Cinderella cast from De Montfort Hall's pantomime at the Carpet of Light, outside Visit Leicester on Gallowtree Gate. Take a selfie with one of the stars!
Light the Night street arts
Light the Night Street arts performance starting at Jubilee Square moving to Orton Square via High Street, Gallowtree Gate and Halford Street
Light the Night
5pm – 7pm
Once again the Cultural Quarter Business Association and Creative Manifesto come together for a night of animation and performance across the Cultural Quarter.
