本帖最后由 莱大CSSA 于 2016-2-2 21:16 编辑
文化祭 Chinese Cultural Festival

This event aims to show Chinese traditional culture to students from all over the world.

活动内容 Characteristic Activities - 展示中国文化的摊位若干 (春联 & 十二生肖等) - 互动性游戏,并有精美礼品 - 关于中国民乐书法等传统艺术的表演 - 正宗中国食物
- Tables displaying Chinese traditional culture (e.g. Spring Festival Couplets & Chinese Zodiac) - Interactive games with prizes - Performance about Chinese Folk Music and Calligraphy - Authentic Chinese food 
Activity Time and Place
- 时间:
明天 February 3rd, 11 am to 3 pm
- 地点:Queen's Hall (Ken Edwards 对面), Student Union

更多活动内容请关注莱斯特大学中国学联 官方微博:@莱斯特大学中国学联
