莱斯特华人网 | LeicesterBBS's Archiver

水晶心 发表于 2011-10-9 21:31


信茂国际 发表于 2011-12-5 09:05


cys4442 发表于 2011-12-5 09:08


Chan 发表于 2011-12-7 21:46

i want to go^^
all are around the centre? near the train station??

芝麻香香 发表于 2011-12-7 22:12

[b]回复 [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=324598&ptid=34309][color=Olive]Chan[/color] 的帖子[/url][/b]

yes ~~ all attractions are within easy reach on foot~~

Chan 发表于 2011-12-7 22:19

please suggest some more destinations near around~~
especially those are best for 1 day trip^^ thank you!
i like the freedom~woohoo!!

芝麻香香 发表于 2011-12-7 22:27

[b]回复 [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=324618&ptid=34309][color=Olive]Chan[/color] 的帖子[/url][/b]

there are loads of places you can visit on a day trip

check those links:






芝麻香香 发表于 2011-12-7 22:41

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]Chan 发表于 2011-12-7 23:19[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=324618&ptid=34309][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
please suggest some more destinations near around~~
especially those are best for 1 day trip^ ...[/quote]

another one~


Chan 发表于 2011-12-7 22:54

[b]回复 [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=324625&ptid=34309][color=Olive]芝麻香香[/color] 的帖子[/url][/b]

thank you so much!!

samsion 发表于 2011-12-23 18:58

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