莱斯特华人网 | LeicesterBBS's Archiver

麦小麦 发表于 2010-7-19 20:36



黑眼圈 发表于 2010-7-19 20:53


黑眼圈 发表于 2010-7-19 20:59


麦小麦 发表于 2010-7-19 22:13

[quote]原帖由 [i]黑眼圈[/i] 于 2010-7-19 21:59 发表 [url=http://www.leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=127102&ptid=15758][img]http://www.leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
我刚才没仔细看,你是说你急诊已经交过钱了是吗?如果已经交过了,就不需要再交了。你可以去查查看NHS网站上的投诉电话,投诉那个牙医。 [/quote]

是的,第一次去我就付了16.5镑的费用,今天打电话说这个16.5镑是为了挂急诊,她们寄给我另外一个16.5镑的信,说是第二次check up的钱,我就纳闷了,

黑眼圈 发表于 2010-7-20 09:40

If, within two months of completing a course of treatment, you require further treatment within the same charge band or a lower charge band, e.g. an additional filling, you don't have to pay anything extra.

However, if you need further dental treatment after two months of completing an earlier course of treatment, you will have to pay an additional charge.

If your initial treatment is classed as a separate, urgent treatment, it may not be included in any subsequent course of treatment that you require. For urgent dental treatment (including out-of-hours treatment), you will have to pay a separate charge of £16.50.

You will not have to pay for:

denture repairs,
the removal of stitches, or
if your dentist has to stop blood loss.
There is also no charge if your dentist only has to write out a prescription. However, if you pay for prescriptions, you will have to pay the usual prescription charge when you collect your medicines from the pharmacist.

[color=Blue]Got this from MHS website. Seems you do need to pay extra 16.5 pounds.[/color]
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