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雷炳银 发表于 2015-8-10 22:09

需要做论文proof reading的同学请联系这里

大家有需要做proof reading的吗?我有一个朋友牛津管理系本科毕业的,英国人,他现在在做兼职proofreading,如果有需要可以联系他。他太太是中国人,莱斯特大学教育系毕业的博士,她可以帮助中国学生抓一下论文的结构及方法论,在不耽误她太多时间的情况下是免费的 (因为她自己在做研究写书,时间有限)。
My name is Chris Morgan- I am a professional proofreader keen to work with international students on any essays, theses or projects where assistance with grammar, spelling, language and syntax is required. I have been working with MA and PhD students in fields as diverse as Management, Education, History, Media, Tourism, Museum studies and Politics. I am a conscientious professional and I work quickly and efficiently and I will respect the integrity of all research I proofread by guaranteeing confidentiality.

Rate: £15 per thousand words   
Contact Chris Morgan: [email]c.hm@btinternet.com[/email]
              WeChat: chrism795

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