xystence的个人空间分享 http://leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/?13048


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暑期出租, 一个人大概278/month。。。 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 1 1676 xystence 2012-6-18 19:23
急 跪求租 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 4 2195 ANNTONY 2012-6-18 23:16
  hi! 出租 western challenge (walnut street) 1个房间, 一个人大概278/month, 离市中心, dmu, 和morissons ...
求短租 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 4 3126 summer_88310 2012-6-20 22:34
  call me 07769113418, cheap room to rent!
房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 5 1899 hanxiaojin 2012-6-19 16:25
  i have a room to rent, call me on 07769113418 =)
出租 western challenge (walnut street) 2bedrooms, 莱大/DMU10-15分钟 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 5 2753 xystence 2012-4-4 20:12
出租 western challenge (walnut street) 2bedrooms, 莱大/DMU10-15分钟 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 5 2753 xystence 2012-4-4 20:12
出租 western challenge (walnut street) 2bedrooms, 莱大/DMU10-15分钟 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 5 2753 xystence 2012-4-4 20:12
  that's ok....
出租 western challenge (walnut street) 2bedrooms, 莱大/DMU10-15分钟 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 5 2753 xystence 2012-4-4 20:12
  from april to july/august!
娱乐品 图片附件 ... 1 2 3 二手转让(卖) | Sell 20 8002 wmsy 2012-1-29 08:23
  hi, are u still selling ur connect 4? would like to buy, contact me on 07769113418
出售32G iphone 4 黑色 二手转让(卖) | Sell 4 3055 xystence 2011-10-30 10:20
  how much? i want to buy 07769113418
出售 二手转让(卖) | Sell 5 2413 xystence 2011-10-30 10:18
  if cheaper i will buy frm u. msg me at 07769113418
两女生求租walnut street房间!!急啊!!! 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 3 1963 xystence 2011-10-24 22:52
  hi! how long are u going to stay in walnut street for? i will be here until next july, i am interest ...
9月20号左右~伦敦2日游~~有兴趣的同学一起不。 寻伴同行 | Travel mate 7 3260 xystence 2011-9-18 10:08
  ok! but i will finish at about 5 pm...what's ur number? my mobile number is 07530536274 :)
9月20号左右~伦敦2日游~~有兴趣的同学一起不。 寻伴同行 | Travel mate 7 3260 xystence 2011-9-18 10:08
  hi, i will be in london on 20 sep too for an exam! i will finish at about 5pm...maybe i can join u a ...
最后1天,全新AF女士卫衣,皮草,吊牌还在 图片附件 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 16 二手转让(卖) | Sell 154 15065 cys4442 2011-12-14 09:09
  hello, are u still elling the lamp? if cheaper i will buy!
最后3天清仓大甩卖~~~买加送!! 图片附件 ... 1 2 3 4 二手转让(卖) | Sell 35 9544 yoga0625 2011-9-13 02:01
  i want to buy the clock!
求购台灯, 鞋架 求购(买) | Buy 4 1738 Betsy 2011-9-9 09:32
  hi! do u have a picture of ur lamp? is it white light?
z ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 二手转让(卖) | Sell 58 13200 semi 2011-9-1 09:44
  is the tablelamp white light? do u still have the heater
out ... 1 2 二手转让(卖) | Sell 14 3208 xystence 2011-8-26 18:46
  still selling ur heater for 4 pounds? i want!
求购电暖器, 台灯, 鞋架 ... 1 2 求购(买) | Buy 10 4400 huanglubing 2011-8-26 17:18
  回复 cys4442 的帖子 hi! have u got a picture of ur tablelamp? can cheaper for the heater?

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