xiangxiangli的个人空间分享 http://leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/?20642


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招租:Nice two bedrooms flat Close To Leicester University ... 1 2 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 10 4004 xiangxiangli 2013-8-21 14:22
招租:Nice two bedrooms flat Close To Leicester University ... 1 2 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 10 4004 xiangxiangli 2013-8-21 14:22
想租flat(7月到明年7月)--近莱斯特大学,有请联系我 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 9 3272 crm19891223 2013-7-6 21:28
  回复 aguqin 的帖子 http://www.leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/thread-61918-1-1.html
招租:Nice two bedrooms flat Close To Leicester University ... 1 2 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 10 4004 xiangxiangli 2013-8-21 14:22
招租:Nice two bedrooms flat Close To Leicester University ... 1 2 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 10 4004 xiangxiangli 2013-8-21 14:22
  回复 hanbin2006 的帖子 以前就一直给的是最惠价呀 相似房子都是700。长租有优惠。 ...
招租:Nice two bedrooms flat Close To Leicester University ... 1 2 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 10 4004 xiangxiangli 2013-8-21 14:22
求租7月初开始好房 ... 1 2 房屋求租 | Flat share & room to rent 12 4693 crm19891223 2013-7-6 21:29
  回复 hanbin2006 的帖子 http://www.leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/thread-61207-1-1.html
招租:Nice two bedrooms flat Close To Leicester University to Ren 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 7 3230 xiangxiangli 2013-8-7 11:51
  回复 hanbin2006 的帖子 你好!若有兴趣请你QQ联系我吧
请删帖,谢谢! 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 6 2596 xiangxiangli 2013-1-12 09:14
请删帖,谢谢! 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 6 2596 xiangxiangli 2013-1-12 09:14
请删帖,谢谢! 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 6 2596 xiangxiangli 2013-1-12 09:14
To let,谢谢! 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 8 2380 smilesunshine 2013-1-2 12:26
  回复 edwardnfy 的帖子 你好!新年好!是上面那套房。下面带花园的已租了,楼上还有一套带大阳台的。若有 ...
求租 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 3 2187 ANNTONY 2013-1-4 11:40
请删帖,谢谢! 空房招租 | House or flat to Let 6 2596 xiangxiangli 2013-1-12 09:14

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