yangxiaowen的个人空间分享 http://leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/?11554


已有 25 人来访过

  • Burberry


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vincee 2016-9-19 15:54
yangxiaowen: I will buy all of your stuff, how much then?
if you take all, it can be much cheaper. just contact me ASAP
vincee 2016-9-16 15:22
yangxiaowen: I will buy all of your stuff, how much then?
书还在 你要的话 电话联系
eatingslove 2015-9-3 11:53
yangxiaowen: I want your stuff, but your phone seems stopped working.
Please contact me with 07868951633 ASAP, and I can take some your stuff today. Thanks
sorry yesterday I posted a wrong number on it.
I have texted you.

by the way my number is 07518283326
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