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本帖最后由 MrSale 于 2012-10-16 18:01 编辑
Lodon Pass很多OFFER 哈~~~~慢慢看
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This week at London Pass we bring you our Top 10 attractions.
Free Thames River Cruise in London - Save€13.50

A Thames river cruise is without doubt one of the best ways to seeLondon, weaving through the heart of the city and past so many ofits most famous attractions. See and experience the sights andsplendour of this great city from the relaxed comfort of a CityCruises modern, all-weather boats with open upper decks andspacious lower saloons with panoramic windows
Free Entry to The Tower of London - Saving£18!

The Tower of London is one of the world’s most famousfortresses and has seen service as royal palace, prison, armouryand even a zoo. The ancient stones reverberate with dark secrets,priceless jewels glint in fortified vaults and pampered ravensstrut the grounds.
Visit Westminster Abbey for Free - Save£16!

Just a short walk from the Thames, Westminster Abbey is a must-seeand significant structure in British history. This beautiful gothicchurch is a UNESCO World Heritage Site popular with many visitorsto London.
Kings, Queens, statesmen, aristocrats, poets, priests, heroes andvillains are all part of the church’s fascinating history.Many of whom were buried at the Abbey including Charles Dickens,Geoffrey Chaucer, Dr. Samuel Johnson and Charles Darwin. There is aspecial Scientists corners at the church which is home to amemorial for Isaac Newton.
Save £23 at The London BridgeExperience!

The London Bridge Experience is a two-part tourist attractionsituated within the arches of London Bridge. For the 2nd yearrunning, it has won ‘Best Year Round Scare Attraction’at the Screamie awards!
Firstly enjoy a fascinating trip back in time as the London BridgeExperience delves through the history of the bridge, from Druidsthrough to Victorians, meeting Vikings, Romans, and some creepymedieval characters along the way. Featuring real life actors,stunning special effects and animations, this is unique interactiveadventure really does takes you back in time.
Visit Windsor Castle for Free - Saving£17!

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in theworld, and it's the official residence of Her Majesty The Queen.Built over 900 years ago the castle's floor covers a massive480,000 square feet.
The castle is surrounded by some beautiful gardens and thepicturesque English countryside. St George's Chapel, inside thegrounds, is a fine example of gothic architecture and features thetomb of Henry VIII.
Free Entry to St Paul's Cathedral - Save€15!

Come and experience the glory of St. Paul’s Cathedral and seehow it’s iconic dome dominates the London skyline. Builtbetween 1675 and 1710, the catherdral has gone through a £40million programme of cleaning and repair work for its 300thanniversary and the work has transformed the exterior and interiorof the building.
Save over £12 at Shakespeare's GlobeTheatre

Sightseeing visitors to London can enjoy a trip back in time with avisit to the spectacular Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Situated onLondon’s Bankside, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre isareconstruction the original building that housed Shakespeare'stheatre in London, an open-air playhouse where the playwrightpenned many of his greatest plays.
Free Entry to The London Tower Bridge

One the most impressive structures and sites in the capital, TowerBridge London has stood over the River Thames since 1894 and is oneof the most recognizable landmarks in the world.
Learn about the history of the Bridge and how it was built.Interactive displays and videos provide an entertaining andinformative guide to Tower Bridge in London and its place in thehistory of the River Thames
Visit Hampton Court Palace for free - Save£14.50!

Hampton Court Palace is the former home of the flamboyant KingHenry VIII, he extended and developed this grand palace afteracquiring it in the 1520's. Its many royal occupants have ensuredthe palace has fabulous furnishings, tapestries and paintings. Setin 60 acres of formal gardens, which include the famous maze andGreat Vine, this palace is well worth a visit.
Save Over £14 at Churchill WarRooms

The Churchill War Rooms are dedicated to the life of the‘greatest Briton’, Sir Winston Churchill, and thesecret underground headquarters that were the nerve centre ofBritain’s war effort.
The first London museum of its kind, the Churchill War Rooms coversall ninety years of Winston Churchill’s life, divided intofive chapters: his early year’s as British Prime Ministerstarting May 1940; his later years; his childhood; his earlypolitical career and the period famously known as the‘Gathering Storm’.
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