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每本书都有详细介绍作者和书名,价格以及相关的科目。每本书都有附图,这样可以更加方便地知道是哪本书。 (由于字数有限,所以参考书分为上,中,下三部分的帖子) 链接:http://www.leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/thread-61352-1-1.html (中) http://www.leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/thread-61342-1-1.html (下) 每本书价格合理, 不还价,先到先得。
有兴趣的朋友可以联系我,非诚勿扰!! 本人的联系方式:程女士 qq :406618092 (请在添加备注中写买书。) 电话: 07761656907(如果没人接,可以发信息,本人会尽快回复) 1. EitemanD. , Stonehill A. & Moffett M. (2010) Multinational BusinessFinance 12th Edition (For Course Module: 2nd year InternationalFinance) 22磅 
2.企业研究方法 第4版【中文版】(Sekaran, Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach4th Edition) (For Course Module: 2nd year Research Methods) 5磅 
3.Hull J.(2011) Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets 7th Edition(For Course Module: 3nd year Derivates Pricing) 17磅 
4.MetcalfA. & Humphries. (1985) The sexuality of men (For CourseModule: 3rd year Critical Analysis of Management) 1磅 
5.Lyon D.(2001) Surveillance Society: Monitoring everyday life (ForCourse Module: 3rd year Critical Analysis of Management) 5磅 
6.FelsteadA., Jewson N. & Walters S. (2005) ChangingPlaces of Work (For Course Module: 3rd year Critical Analysis ofManagement) 5磅 
7.ManaghamI. (1986) Power and Performance in Organizations: An Exploration ofExecutive Process (For Course Module: 3rd year Critical Analysis ofManagement) 2磅 
8.SchiffmanL. & Kanuk L. (2010) Consumer Behavior 10th Edition ((ForCourse Module: 2nd year Buyer Behavior) 22磅 
9.消费者行为学 第10版【中文版】(SchiffmanL. & Kanuk L. (2010) Consumer Behavior 10th Edition)(第8本的中文版) 5磅 
10.国际商务:环境与运作 原书第11版【中文版】(Daniels,Radebaugh & Sullivan, International Business: Environment andOperations 11th Edition) 6磅 
11.国际商务 第4版【中文版】(Wild,Wild & Han, International Business 4th Edition) (ForCourse Module: 3rd year International Business) 4.5磅 
12.GabrielY. & Lang T. (2006) The Unmanageable Consumer 2nd Edition (ForCourse Module: 2nd year Buyer Behavior) 6磅 
13.Bodie Z., Kane A. &Marcus A. (2010) Essentials of Investments 8th Edition 5磅 