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本帖最后由 小脚丫 于 2011-9-13 22:01 编辑
在过去的两个周里,我近乎过着人间地狱般的生活。我不得不搬出去,因为实在是没有办法忍受了。房东是位37岁的印度女人,在我搬进去之前,房东许诺说她是天底下最安静的人,然而我搬进去以后,她 天天带男人回家,通宵达旦,并且吸食大麻。当我和她谈这个问题的时候,她则恶狠狠的说,我是37岁的单身女人,我不可能因为你改变我的生活方式。她已吸食大麻16年了,所以她的神经状况也不是很好,喜怒无常。每当我和她谈及一些问题的时候,她立刻变脸,冲我大喊大叫。我的身心俱疲。
我搬走的那天,我让她检查我的房间,问她满不满意,她说很满意和我搬进来一样。说会把200镑押金还给我,接着她打了个电话,改口说还我100镑,然后我走后,她发了一条短信给我,说不会退我押金,因为我没给她1个月的notice 然后 我把她的房间弄得很脏,说我是个big liar,说没妈养大的。还威胁我说会到我新住的地方找我,聊聊这件事。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I do not know whether you could do anything about it, but I concern that something worse might happen on somebody else in the future and I would be very regret if I did not report it today. I do not want anybody else to suffer the same situation as I did, helpless, scared and could not work or sleep for two weeks; that is why I am writing this letter to you.
I rent a room on ** Sheffield Street, from a lady called A****** W and it was a nightmare during two weeks with her. I had to move out last Saturday because she is a heavy smoker and not only cigarettes but also Cannabis (I wasn’t informed before I moved in and when I found it out, she told me she had been smoking that weed for 16 years, I would advise the drug has obvious effects on her basing on her performance). In addition, I could not sleep well because she brought different people back nearly every night and when I spoke to her about the noise, she said ‘I am a single woman, I can’t change my lifestyle because of you’, while before I moved in, she promised she would be the quietest person in the world. This is just one example showing she is a very inconsistent person and would totally change into another person in any minute
Moreover, she went into my room without my permission, stopped my washings and put her pants into my washings and she shouted at me ‘it is my house, you have to adjust to me’ every time I wanted to speak to her. Honestly, even now, I still could not sleep well. I woke up in the middle of the night with scares and then fell sleep again when I realized I wasn’t there anymore. She promised to give my deposit back on the day I moved out; then she changed her mind and sent me several messages, saying I was a big liar, I made her house dirty and I needed find somebody mother me etc. and ‘it is my problem that I could not live in the house’. She did not put the deposit to the deposit scheme but into her own pocket. During staying in her property, every time I requested a contract, she always gave a lot of excuses and at the end she just gave me a simple receipt of deposit and rent. I did not ask for contract at the end since I made my mind to move out.
I do not expect to get my deposit back or anything you could do for my case; what I ask for is doing something in case more victims. Based on my experience and her performance, I think she can be dangerous in some situation. She mentioned something about her housing and council tax benefit, I would advise all the money would go to drugs. Please feel free to contact me if you have any enquiries about my letter.
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards