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有事没事就喜欢看看华闻周刊,了解了解中国孩纸在英国新闻啥的~看到了小编的一篇报道~哈哈哈觉得真心很有用哦!就转载过来给大家分享分享!里面有挺多词儿是地道词儿~ 酒吧文化在英国是挺火的哦·~~有空大家可是去体验体验
提前跟大家说一声,我个人不建议用chat up lines(固定的搭讪词)去跟女孩儿说话,不过还是可以跟大家分享一下。以下是一些“most ridiculous chat-up lines”(最离谱的搭讪词)
1.Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
2.Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?
3.Do I know you? Because you look a lot like my next girlfriend.
4.You’re so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line.
5.See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I’m cute.
6.You smell like trash, may I take you out?
语言交换 Language exchange
学联SU Student Union
宿舍 Halls
我喝醉了 I’m smashed
I’m wasted
I’m plastered
I’m hammered
Terry: Did you see Craig on Saturday night?
Jon: No, why?
Terry: He got absolutely wasted, he was a mess.
Jon: Haha, what a joker.
Terry:你周六晚上有没有看到 Craig?
Jon: 没有, 怎么了?
Terry:他喝多了, 喝得一团糟。
Jon: 哈哈, 他真搞笑。
Xiaowang: “I am not flower heart”。
Xiaohong: 哎呦, 你能认真回答我的问题吗?
Xiaowang:好啊,一般是这么翻译的 “Weak water three thousand, I only collect one gourd to drink”(小王对“弱水三千,我只取一瓢饮”弱爆的翻译)
Xiaohong: 你少来呀!
Xiaowang: 好吧,你说“I’m not a player”就可以啦。
Tina: Where do you wanna go clubbing?
Kevin: I was thinking maybe we could go to … club.
Jim (Tina’s brother): Dude, that place is full of perverts, I’m not taking my sister there.
Tina: Yeah, my friend went there and she said it was disgusting.
Kevin: Oh, my bad.
Jim: I know! Let’s go to … The music there is sick!”
Tina: 你要去哪个夜店?
Jim (Tina’s brother): 哥们儿!那个地方全都是色狼,我干嘛带我妹妹去那儿?
Kevin: 哦,我错了。
Jim: 我知道了!我们去……夜店吧。那边的音乐屌爆了!”