

已有 9 人来访过


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Dorothy21 2012-10-26 07:35
renren: Hi! My budget is lower than £25, therefore, I have to give your cooker a miss. Many Thanks! Ren
sorry, do you still want to buy my rice cooker?
I can give you a low price, 20 pound.
Thanks :)
rickey乐乐 2012-10-24 18:14
虫草 2012-9-27 13:29
renren : Hi! I just bought your Panasonic cooker, I am wandering how to fix it if "电饭煲显示屏没电如何更换电池". I love your cooker very much,  just ... Don't worry... Even if the buttery run out, the LED screen will keep working when the power is on. Anyway, you don't need to change the buttery by yourself. ...
虫草 2012-9-25 15:09
renren : Hi! I want to buy your Panasonic Cooker. Could you please let me know about its size? (1 Litter? 2Litter or 3 Litter) Shall I have your contact number ... Hi! The features and specifications of the rice cooker are shown in the link below: My phone number is 0742 856 3976. My postcode is LE1 6YF (on the regent road). ...
葱花 2012-9-18 19:47
I live in west challenge   there is something wrong with the lid of my cooker, but all the function is ok. if you want to have a look call me  07721906222
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