Universe的个人空间分享 http://leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/?21029



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hohoho 2013-5-13 01:11
by the way, my houses are on Ullswater Street, LE2 &DU, just check the postcode, it is actually 5 minutes walk to DMU main library and close to all 3 Chinese supermarkets
hohoho 2013-5-13 01:07
I have 4 bedrooms newly renovated house for renting out, 5 minutes walk to DMU if you are interested, you are more than welcome to view it anytime suit you.  I am the landlord so there won't be any agency fee.  Please call or text 07734316688, I speak and read Chinese but just don't do Chinese typing, so you can leave message for me in Chinese
35736238411 2013-3-28 22:51
Universe: 什么?
35736238411 2013-3-27 23:28

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