hohoho的个人空间分享 http://leicesterbbs.com/bbs2/?21902



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hohoho 2014-7-10 03:49
karine 2014-7-9 17:24
你好,請問你那兒有房嗎?我都是香港女生,會4/8 先讀語言班再MASTER.
Lobby 2013-9-20 17:02
hohoho 2013-9-18 11:26
please remind me what chair is it?  I have completely forget all about it, do you have any picture and how much is it?
lihj1990 2013-9-15 17:01
hello,  Are you still need the chair? it is available now
hohoho 2013-8-21 10:24
Thank you for your interest but I am sorry, my house is for long term rent from September to September the following year as it suits students renting.
mizzlerain 2013-8-20 01:49
hohoho 2013-8-8 03:03
I haven't taken any photos but you are more than welcome to arrange to view the house.  Please ring Andrew 07734316688 after 6pm.  I speak Chinese
hohoho 2013-8-7 12:52
Or if you are in Leicester, it is better for you to ring my husband (he speaks Chinese) 07734316688 after 6 pm to arrange to view the houses.  Sorry I am an old fashion people and don't do qq.

I also have a house near Leicester University, in up market post code LE2 3AQ

If you are still in China, please email me to mariapoon78@hotmail.com but please put a subject of renting house as I don't open junk mail.  We are the landlord so no agency fee to pay.

Thank you for showing interest in my houses.
hohoho 2013-8-7 12:46
I will take some photos and upload them, are you still in China and looking for long term renting?  Sorry I don't do Chinese typing but I am a Chinese and I read Chinese so you can reply me in Chinese.  All my houses are 5 minutes walk to DMU, post code LE2 7DU
erin123 2013-8-7 09:44

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