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tangsiping 2014-6-20 04:11
司机赛高 2013-10-16 09:10
您好 请问能否方便给一下莱大学联主席的联系方式 有合作意向 谢谢
plato216 2013-8-12 19:08
具体资料没法粘贴,请您在方便的时候发邮件给我索要: YING-JIE.WANG@NDM.OX.AC.UK
plato216 2013-8-12 19:06
Hello CSSA-Leicester,

On behalf of the Chinese Life Scientists Society in the UK (CLSS-UK), we are holding the 19th annual meeting of CLSS-UK in Oxford on 20-21 September 2013.
Would you please circulate this invitation letter and the poster in the contact list of CSSA-Leicester and top it up at the your BBS to help us promote this scientific event?
The invitation letter and the poster are attached in the email and please find out more details in our website (http://users.ox.ac.uk/~shug1558/).
All people who are studying or working in the field of life and medical science are welcome.

Many thanks to your cooperation!

We are looking forward to meeting you at the conference.


shirleyyy 2013-8-10 12:20

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