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LuckyEmily 2011-10-20 21:52
ironman: 房子找得怎么样?我也是身在国内,找不到房子 o(╯□╰)o
天 我现在才看到你这留言 你现在住哪呢?呵呵
summer_88310 2011-9-2 14:17
ironman: 短租也行,急等 ~位置在哪里
newbiej 2011-8-31 08:42
ironman: so you're the owner ! that's fine. I will be there around 4/9. if it's possible, I 'd like see it when I arrive.
That's great.... But it is depends on your budget. 60 pounds to 100 pounds double rooms I have got! Let meet up later.!
newbiej 2011-8-31 03:47
ironman: 来点房子的细节图、价格吧
Sorry Mate... Coz I am in Hong Kong so I can't take photos for the house since I just bought it few weeks ago.. I will be back at 4/9 so I will upload it immediatly.
lqd916221 2011-8-26 19:34
本帖最后由 lqd916221 于 2011-8-20 14:05 编辑 有2个大双人房间出租,家具齐全, 即可入住。   居住安全,生活安静,条件舒适。 旁边有 Morrison超市,ASIANA亚洲超市,中国超市有宏丰行,农稼。 有网线,所有费用全包每月租金360镑。 欢迎女生入住. 邮编是 LE2 7JR 离DMU约5分钟,离莱大约10分钟 联系电话 :07984693027 QQ    1836279668 ...
Lobb 2011-8-21 15:02
你好,你房子找到了嘛 我9月中也要找房 想找人合租
lqd916221 2011-8-20 09:03
LuckyEmily 2011-8-8 10:19
ironman: 房子找得怎么样?我也是身在国内,找不到房子 o(╯□╰)o
恩恩 找的不怎么样 身在国内找房子的孩子伤不起啊  真是累心啊
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