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根据Leicester Mercury 报道,一对男女在莱斯特DMU旁边的River soar河边走路时遇到6个黑人或者亚裔印度青年小混混,被抢劫了手机和钱包,歹徒并且把女生推到河里,警方正在调查此案件。
[来源: Leicester Mercury 5月20日]
Gang robs and assaults woman, 18
A young woman was pushed into a canal after she and her friend were robbed by a gang of thugs.
The 18-year-old woman and a man, who is 20, were confronted by six men as they walked along the Grand Union canal, off Western Boulevard, West End, Leicester on Wednesday.
The men took the victims' phones and a wallet and then assaulted them. The woman was pushed into the canal and the man was punched to the ground and kicked.
Both were treated at Leicester Royal Infirmary.
They have told police their attackers were wearing dark hooded tops and bandanas across their faces.
Detective Constable Damian Young, who is investigating the attack, said: "The victims were extremely upset and shaken by the ordeal.
"I would like to appeal to the public for their help in finding those responsible."
The victims have provided partial descriptions of their attackers, who are thought to be in their late-teens or early 20s.
One of the men has been described as being black or Asian, between 5ft 7ins and 6ft tall, of slim build and in his early 20s, with wispy facial hair.
Another member of the group has been described as being between 5ft 6ins and 5ft 9ins tall, of slim build, in his late teens with a gaunt appearance.
Anyone with information should contact Det Con Young at Leicester police on 0116 222 2222.