金钱- 887
魅力- 6
威望- 138
- 积分
- 148
- 精华
- 2
- 帖子
- 95

1. 预约验光(参考下面有莱斯特验光的地方)
2. 做eye test (一般要收费,这个可以参考下面免费说明)
3. 选眼镜(镜框 或者 隐型),关于具体细节,请参考下面同学们的讨论贴
4. 定时间取眼镜和调整镜框
关于免费验光 Eye Test
参考下面条件,判断你是否可以免费EYE TEST
You qualify for a free NHS-funded sight test if you are:
- aged under 16, or aged 16 to 18 and in full-time education
- aged 60 or over
- registered blind or partially sighted
- diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma
- aged 40 or over and you are the parent, brother, sister, son or daughter of a person diagnosed with glaucoma, or you have been advised by an ophthalmologist that you are at risk of glaucoma
- eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher.
You are also entitled to a free NHS sight test if you:
- receive Income Support or Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (not contribution based)
- receive Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
- receive Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
- are entitled to, or named on, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
- are named on a valid NHS certificate for full help with health costs (HC2)
People named on an NHS certificate for partial help with health costs (HC3) might also get help.
可以到NHS认可的optician验光,做测试前一般他们会给你一个表格让你确认符合free eye test的要求