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MuscleTech Anabolic Halo Hardcore Pro 2 Lbs./907g Fruit Punch or Blue Raspberry [复制链接]

发表于 2011-11-3 23:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 theBODYSHAPE 于 2011-11-3 23:04 编辑


Powerful New Post-Workout Amplifier

ANABOLIC HALO Hardcore Pro Series® is a scientifically developed  post-workout supplement designed to be an all-in-one musclebuilding solution.  In fact, the potent post-workout formula contains the most researched form of  creatine to help build more muscle and increase strength at an accelerated rate.

This all-in-one formula is designed with the most researched form of creatine and a scientifically studied dose of L-carnitine for amazing results.                        

ANABOLIC HALO Hardcore Pro Series also contains a scientifically studied dose of L-carnitine and  fast-acting carbohydrates designed to help replenish glycogen stores after a  hard session in the gym. If you want to see how powerful this post-workout formula  is, just look below at the amazing research results achieved by test subjects  taking just one of the key ingredients in ANABOLIC  HALO Hardcore Pro Series.

Test Subjects Gained 5 Times the Muscle

A 12-week third-party  research study conducted at a leading university with 22 untrained subjects  divided into three groups, and published in Medicine & Science in Sports  & Exercise, showed test subjects consuming a key compound found in ANABOLIC HALO Hardcore Pro Series®gained 7.12 pounds of muscle while subjects using a placebo gained only 1.30  pounds. Test subjects in the same study also significantly increased their one-rep max (1RM) leg press strength versus placebo (375 lbs. vs. 193 lbs.).


Activate Human Myogenic Regulatory Factors

In a second study that  utilized muscle biopsies from  the same study above, subjects using a key ingredient in ANABOLIC HALO Hardcore Pro Series increased  myocellular expression of anabolic growth precursors myogenin by 61% and MRF-4  by 65% in only 12 weeks. Further, this powerful ingredient also helps to expand  your muscle cells with extracellular fluid for myocellular expansion.  Scientists theorize that myocellular volumization is a factor for   muscle growth.

Amplify Testosterone Receptors

After 21  days of a third-party study involving 10 resistance-trained subjects, the dose of L-carnitine contained in ANABOLIC HALO Hardcore Pro Series was scientifically shown to increase the number of testosterone (androgen) receptors significantly more  than when subjects used a placebo. The researchers in the study theorized that  this led to increased cellular uptake of testosterone.

Dorian Yates TEMPRO 3 Lbs./1.36kg
Product price: GBP 30.00 per tub (as long as stocks last)

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