金钱- 61576
魅力- 10
威望- 6154
- 积分
- 6178
- 精华
- 7
- 帖子
- 1505
[来源:莱斯特大学 7月5日]
今年Course D新生会同往年一样,住在Mary Gee宿舍,宿舍介绍
Course D Handbook下载
请Course D的同学在早上9点30分到Attenborough building的地下一楼注册,Attenborough的位置在
http://www.leicesterbbs.com/bbs2 ... t-attenborough.html
以下为 Attenborough大楼

Google map 地图https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=leicester&hl=en&ll=52.621313,-1.12395&spn=0.00044,0.001321&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=7.011332,21.643066&t=h&hnear=Leicester,+United+Kingdom&z=20
Where should I go on the first day?
Go to the basement of the Attenborough building on the university main campus. You should arrive by 9.30 am.
请早上9点30分到Attenborough building的地下一楼注册
What do I need to bring on the first day?
You should bring the following things for registration:
Your passport 护照
Your visa 签证
2 passport sized photographs 两张护照照片
Your UK postal address. Note that you need your full address, even if you are living in university accommodation. For example: Block B, Room 202, Mary Gee Houses, 101/107 Ratcliffe Road, LE2 3TE.
你在英国的地址,如Block B, Room 202, Mary Gee Houses, 101/107 Ratcliffe Road, LE2 3TE.
Your University of Leicester Student Number. This can be found on the letters which the university has sent to you.
The full name of the course you have applied for. For example: MA Mass Communications, or MSc Infection and Immunity.
学生的学号,专业名称,(如MA Mass Communications)
Your full course fees. You can pay by credit card, debit card, cheque, or banker's draft (the university is unable to accept cash payments). Alternatively, you can pay before you arrive, either by using the university's Online Payments Service, or by Electronic Bank Transfer.
What happens on the first day?
星期一为Course D注册日
The first Monday of the course is for registration:
Register with the university in order to get your student card. Note that it can take several days to process your student card; your teacher will give it to you when it is ready.
You will get information about University services and Health Care.
Meet representatives from banks, so you can begin the process of opening a UK bank account.
星期二所有Course D学生会进行一次分班考试(只考笔试,没有口语)
Will I need to do a test?
On Tuesday you will do a grammar / vocabulary test, and a writing test. Don't worry - it is not possible to pass or fail these tests. The results help us put you in a class with other students who have a similar level of English.
If you arrive late, you will still do the test before you attend lessons.
When do lessons start?
课程将会在星期三早上9点15分正式开始,课程表会贴在Ken Edwards building.门口。
Ken Edwards Building是这栋

Ken Edwards 楼Google map
Lessons start at 9.15 on Wednesday. From 08.45 onwards, there will be a list of classes displayed outside the Ken Edwards building.
What are the important dates on the course?
Here are some of the most important dates on the course. You will be given more detailed information when you arrive.
Date Event
Mon 9th July Course D registration
Tues 10th July Placement tests
Wed 11th July Start of lessons
Week 5 Mid-course tests
Week 10 End-of-course tests
Fri 14th - Wed 19th Sept Results
离你们宿舍(Mary Gee)最近的超市是ASDA,具体位置请看第2个超市(ASDA)
Where's the nearest supermarket?
The nearest supermarket to Mary Gee Houses is Asda on Leicester Road: download a map showing Mary Gee Houses and the nearest supermarkets.
What happens if I have a problem?
If you have a problem before you arrive, please contact us using the details on the left of this page.
If you have a problem during the course, there is always someone who can help you:
If you have a problem related to your lessons, you can talk to your teacher, or to the Course Director.
If you have a problem with your accommodation, you can talk to one of the wardens for your building, or contact Accommodation Services.
If you are not sure who you need to talk to, you can ask the ELTU administrative staff, and they will help you.