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14.Booth W.,Colomb G. & Williams J. (2003) The Craft of Research 2nd Edition(For 3rd Dissertation) 2磅 
15.GitmanL. (2009) Principles of Managerial Finance 12th Edition (ForCourse Module: 2nd years Financial Management) 5磅 
16.战略是什么【中文版】(Whittington,What is Strategy - And does it Matters?) (For Course Module:3rd year Strategy) 2磅 
17.战略管理:竞争与全球化(概念)原书第9版【中文版】 (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, The Management of Strategy (Concepts) 9thEdition)(For Course Module: 3rd year Strategy) 4磅 
18.消费文化【中文版】(Lury(1996) Consumer Culture) (For CourseModule: 3rd year Consumer Culture) 4磅 
19.Bryman A.& Bell E. (2003) Business Research Methods (For 3rd Dissertation) 4磅 
20.Grant R.& Jordan J. (2012) Foundations of Strategy (For Course Module: 3rd year Strategy) 10磅 