金钱- 397
魅力- 2
威望- 211
- 积分
- 213
- 精华
- 0
- 帖子
- 84
本帖最后由 chens027 于 2013-6-10 11:36 编辑
6月12号跟DMU 的团去Alton Tower~
原价34磅 现在30磅转( 票价包括往返车费和乐园门票!)因本人临时有事不得不忍痛割爱 超划算哦!! 本来光门票就要34磅~
如果你担心自己一个人参加不好玩,可以介绍我美女朋友认识一起互相照应~ 本来是我们俩一起订的票- -\\\
The total cost of the trip is £34.00 – this includes return coach travel from DMU, entrance to Alton Towers and the cost of all the rides – including Nemesis, Th3rteen and Oblivion! This is a special student rate – a full price advance adult ticket (without transport included) would usually be £34.65.
http://www.altontowers.com/rides-and-attractions/ Alton Tower 官网
感兴趣的直接手机联系 07761750109