回复 mmmaria 的帖子
内容大概包括:被邀请人(父母)的资料,如姓名,生日和护照号码,大概的出行日期和逗留的天数,父母在英国期间的食宿信息,邀请人(你) 的联系方式
Visa Section (自己的英国地址)
British Embassy
People’s Republic of China
写 信的日期
To whom it may concern Regarding:(爸爸/妈妈姓名;出生日期;国籍)
I am writing to confirm that (姓名) is my farther(or mother) and I would like to invite him to visit me in (你所在城市) from (来英时间) until (离开时间). The purpose of his visit is to visit me whilst I study in the UK.
I am a student at (你的学校). I am due to complete my course in (开学日期)and will then graduate in (毕业日期). I have enclosed a letter from my University.
I confirm that (爸爸/妈妈 姓名) will be staying with me at my house in Birmingham during their stay. I have enclosed evidence of my accommodation and my address is:
P.S. 如果给父母定酒店了 就把酒店地址写上 酒店预定方面可以上BOOKING预定 【点击此处】,为了签证成功可以事先预定好酒店,不用交任何订金,到时候在一定时间内和酒店联系取消预定即可,省钱又能大大提升父母英国签证的成功率哦!
I would be very grateful if you would approve request for a UK visa so that he can visit me. I hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. Please find enclosed the following evidence:
Letter from (你的学校) confirming my registration.
A copy of my passport and current student visa and Biometric ID Card
Evidence of my accommodation (if applicable). Yours faithfully (你的姓名) (签名)